
The MGC Newsletter provides reports on recent events at the Institute, activities with the Greene Archives, news of work "in the wild" by members of the MGC, activities of the Board and membership information.
 Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Spring 2024

Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Spring 2024

  • The Board Report
  • International Consortium: Mexico, Ireland, Israel
  • National Consortium: Advisory Group
  • Website Library Update/Youtube Channel
  • Notes from the Field: Jane O’Hanlon
  • Recent Events

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Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Spring 2023

Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Spring 2023

  • How do the practices of Aesthetic Education and Social Imagination manifest in various​ global communities?
  •  In what ways has Maxine Greene influenced and inspired scholarship, education and artist practices?

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Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2022

Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2022

  • AE in the Time of COVID
  • International Consortium
  • Website Library Expands
  • Notes from the Field
  • Recent Events

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Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2021

Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2021

  • The Board Report
  • Website Library Update
  • Salon Series
  • Notes from the Field
  • Recent Events

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Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2020

Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2020

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Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2019

Maxine Greene Institute Newsletter Winter 2019

Having trouble reading this email? View it on your browser. Forward this email to a friend.  •  Share this newsletter on Facebook Follow us: …

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Statement in Response

Statement in Response
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Encounters with works of art

Encounters with works of art
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Remembering Maxine

Remembering Maxine
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