Aesthetic Experiences

At the core of aesthetic education are the encounters with works of art and the "releasing of imagination" that those encounters engender. This space has been created to share those experiences with others.

"I am altogether aware that no one can define aesthetic experiences with any certainty anymore then she or he can offer a final definition of “art”. I stress the incompleteness of our common quest because I want to emphasize openendedness and, as well, the relevance of your own experiences as creators, performers, educators and reflective thinkers in the presence of what we call works of art."

- Maxine Greene, 2005

Professor Drescher in reflection upon a David Smith sculpture at a professional development session at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2012 for Leadership Program at Lehigh University


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Statement in Response

Statement in Response
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Encounters with works of art

Encounters with works of art
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Remembering Maxine

Remembering Maxine
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