Resume / Maxine Greene

1938 - Graduates from Barnard College
1949 - Receives a Masters degree, New York University
1955 - Receives Ph.D., Philosophy of Education, New York University
1950 - 1955 - Instructor, New York University in Philosophy and Literature in the English Department
1956 - Associate Professor, Montclair College in Literature in the English Department
1962 - Associate Professor, Brooklyn College (CUNY) in Foundations of Education and Philosophy
1965 - Editor, Teachers College Record; and Associate Professor English, then Professor of Philosophy of Education, Teachers          College, Columbia University
1976 - Philosopher-in-Residence at the Lincoln Center Institute for the Arts in Education
1984 - First female President of the American Educational Research Association in 31 years
1987 - President of the Philosophy of Education Society
2003 - Founded the Maxine Greene Foundation for Social Imagination, the Arts & Education
2012 - Founded the Maxine Greene Center for Aesthetic Education and Social Imagination
2013 - Publically launched the Maxine Greene Center for Aesthetic Education and Social Imagination

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