What we do       



       Art work by student in AE course at Lehman College

The activities of the Institute are continually evolving as we become "what we are not yet...", as Maxine would say. We offer workshops, performances, seminars, and participate in relevant conferences to support the work of Dr. Greene.

Our website is maintained as a virtual community where teachers, artists, and others interested in our mission congregate, exchange ideas, receive updates, and learn about programs we support. Throughout this site, we encourage your participation in the dialogue. This website is also the place where scholars will find The Maxine Greene Library, a repository for Dr. Greene's papers, speeches, articles, books, and videos.

MG Center at Ethnology & Education  conference, 2014 

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Statement in Response

Statement in Response
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Encounters with works of art

Encounters with works of art
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Remembering Maxine

Remembering Maxine
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