Date & Time
March 8, 3pm
The New School for Drama, Studio 106
151 Bank St., New York 10014
(212) 229-5859
Workshop @ New School
Maxine and Her Legacy: On-Going Conversations
Please join us at The New School for Drama, Studio 106, on March 8th, from 3-5pm, for an experiential workshop that continues and builds upon our February 8th seminar. Introduced and framed by teaching artist, actor and educator Jean Taylor. this music workshop, led by teaching artist, musician and educator Heidi Upton, is inspired by the words of Maxine, from Releasing the Imagination:
Aesthetic experiences require conscious participation in a work, a going out of energy, an ability to notice what is there to be noticed in the play, the poem, the quartet. Knowing “about”, even in the most formal academic manner, is entirely different from constituting a fictive world imaginatively and entering it perceptually, affectively, and cognitively.
A suggested donation of $10 is requested at the door and is free to members of The Maxine Greene Center.
To RSVP please contact us at info@maxinegreene.org