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Date & Time
October 4, 6pm
The Center for Arts Education 520 8th Ave. North Tower, 9th Floor New York, NY (@ 37th Street)
TA Salon at The Center for Arts Education-October 2017
Join us-Teaching Artists, Educators, Friends
"The Art of Questioning-Inquiry and the Arts"
Led by The Maxine Greene Institute's Holly Fairbank and Susan Thomasson, this interactive salon will examine the role of inquiry in our practice as teaching artists. How can the use of questions support a safe and effective learning environment inclusive to all types of learners? How might inquiry-based teaching and learning engage your students more deeply?
The use of questions will be explored within the context of dance and visual arts, but the practice will be adaptable to all arts disciplines. Comfortable dress is encouraged.
This public event is designed for teaching artists, but is open to any interested arts educators
RSVPs required. Please go to www.eventbrite.com
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