Alison Lehner-Quam

Education Librarian

Lehman College

Alison Lehner-Quam is the Education Librarian at Lehman College (Associate Professor (2023), Assistant Professor (2016), Instructor (2011)). She manages education and children’s collections, provides information literacy workshops for education students, creates education research guides, and works individually with students at the reference desk and through consultations to support research projects and assignments. She is co-chair of the library instruction committee and co-editor of Biblio-Tech, the library’s newsletter. She is chair of the Library’s Readings and Discussions committee where she develops an annual reading series featuring presentations by faculty and alumni. In 2011 her interests in emergent reading and interactive read-alouds with young children led her to develop an ongoing Library reading series at the Lehman Child Care Center. Her research interests include ePortfolios and information literacy, flipped classroom techniques and information literacy, culturally and linguistically relevant books for children, and creativity and inquiry in pre-K-12 education. She was awarded a George N. Shuster grant and a PSC CUNY grant with Prof. Cecilia Espinosa to study the impact of culturally and linguistically relevant books on children, and was awarded a grant with Profs. Amanda Gulla and Limor Pinhasi-Vittorio to investigate the role of creativity and inquiry in higher education. She worked to acquire collections for Lehman Library, including the Lincoln Center Institute Collection and the Maxine Greene Collection. She has been published in Learning Landscapes, The Journal of Information Literacy, and Library Communications Journal. She has presented at the Georgia International Information Literacy Conference, State University of New York Library Association Conference, Connecticut Information Literacy Conference, Hispanic Educational Technology Network, CUNY CUE Conference, New York City School Library Conference, and the Imagination, Inquiry, and Innovation Institute. She serves as a reviewer of Pre-K and K books for the New York City Department of Education NYC Reads 365 project. She is a member New York City Schools Library Services Council, where she is the vice-chair of the Council.

Previously, she was the founding librarian and director of the Resource Center at Lincoln Center Institute (LCI, now Lincoln Center Education). She managed the development of LCI’s library, satellite library collections, online courses, arts resource materials, and three books. For her efforts at LCI she was awarded the Directors’ Emeriti Award. She was the assistant director of the Columbia Children’s Literature Institute. She has a MSEd in Early Childhood from Lehman College (2016), a MSLS from Columbia University (1991), a certificate in Technical Theater from Yale University (1985), and a BA in Drama from the University of Washington. She is a member of Golden Key and Beta Phi Mu, the library honor society.

Recent publications include:

Lehner-Quam, A. (2021). Diversifying and transforming a public university’s children’s book collection: Librarian and teacher education faculty collaboration on grants, research, and collection development. Collection Management, 1-22.
And she has a chapter in the forthcoming book Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals: Beyond Print-Centric Practices:
Ascenzi-Moreno, L., Espinosa, C., & Lehner-Quam, A. (Forthcoming, April 2022). Move, play, language: A translanguaged multimodal approach to literacies with young emergent bilinguals. In S. Brown and L. Hao (Eds.), Multimodal literacies in young emergent bilinguals: Beyond print-centric practices (pp. 117-130). Multilingual Matters.

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